Friday, October 13, 2006

It's About TIme

Just a quick post before I jump in the old Malibu and head off to Des Moines.

Training these last couple of weeks to be an honest have been pretty blah. No long runs just keeping it easy. I tried to mix it up a bit with some new routes, like a 5 miler through Phelps Park, but still just wasn't making the blahs go away. This week didn't really help either in that it was freezing cold which makes me not want to go outside, let alone run. That being said I'm really ready to get this marathon done with.

That might be good though. I'm not nervous at all about the marathon, it's just like I'm treating it like any other race. So hopefully that means I'll have an outstanding finishing time. I'm optimistically shooting for 3:30:59 but I'll be very satisfied with any time under 3:45, which is 20 mins off my marathon time at the Marine Corps last year. Hopefully I'll be able to post a race report by Monday night.

I am very excited for this weekend though and just to get off campus. This past week was midterms and well I'm just getting sick of school. I'm planning on hanging out with my sister and just doing fun stuff this weekend - German pub, Farmers Market, runners expo, etc. However once I get home though I have to rip on my senior writing project.

Oddly enough I don't plan to rest too much after this Sunday, I'll just take off a few days while I'm at home for fall break. Next Thursday though I'm starting a new training schedule of both running and biking. I'll be cycling three days a week, running two, doing a day of speedwork/drills in both, and then of course a rest day. Hopefully the weather warms up so it's pleasant biking out. I'm excited to be riding rollers indoors this year, but I really don't want to start riding them yet.

"We are different, in essence, from other men. If you want to win something, run 100 meters. If you want to experience something, run a marathon." - Emil Zatopek