Sunday, August 24, 2008

It's coming...

A box full of bike parts, wheels all ready to go, and a final shipment of goodies on their way…the beast will finally come to be. For more than three years I’ve wanted to get a mountain bike. Hopefully it will have finally happened by next weekend. I’ll have many pics to share soon.

The bike is coming at a good time too. I’m in the worst shape that I’ve ever been in. That’s said so often that it’s usually not taken at face value but I mean in full-heartily. I can fee that my blood pressure is higher than ever before and I get winded at activities that were the simplest of tasks before. The new bike should be that extra push of motivation to get out and really start riding, or doing anything, again. It’ll be a new fresh start – one that I’ve needed on the bike, and for myself, for quite sometime.

We’ll see how much life lets me get out on the new bike, but just in case I’ve been very tempted to start training for next year’s Madison Marathon. I do really miss running and really enjoy it when I go out for a run every now and then. I could do it as my spring focus and then mountain biking in the summer and fall. We’ll see. It’s only August now so I shouldn’t get too far ahead of myself. Stay posted.