Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A Letter to My Bike

Dear Bike (my Surly Cross Check),

How have you been? Have you been getting a lot of rest sitting in the garage? It shouldn’t have been that cold in there the last few months with the milder winter we’ve been having.

Oh sorry. You wouldn’t know about the weather. No, no, it’s not you. It’s me. I haven’t ridden you since January 7th, and it was December 29th before that. I’ve left you sitting un-ridden leaning up against the workbench in the garage since then. Of course, this has been the mildest winter since I’ve lived in Madison, so there really hasn’t been an excuse. I maybe just needed a break though, some time off. Again, it hasn’t been you. It’s been me.

Well, all of that is about the change though friend. My wife (you know that woman that often accompanies me in the garage?), she will be gone this weekend and early next week – and she’s taking the car. That leaves you and me good buddy. At the least, we’ll have to ride to work on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of next week. But, and I say this probably for the both of us, it would be good to work back into things, work out the kinks, and bike to work a few days this week.

With that said, I’ll come down to the garage tonight and we’ll do the quick once-over. Inflate tires, check the chain tension, and lube the chain if need be. We’ll get everything refreshed and ready to ride. We’ll get you ready first. After that it’s just up to me – up to me to get back into the groove of waking up that little bit earlier, packing work clothes, and suiting up for the elements.

Speaking of the elements, I want to warn you ahead of time. The next handful of work days are potentially supposed to be a hodgepodge of precipitation – rain, snow, sleet, mix. Are you ready for it? Good. I thought you would be.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

20 Before 30: Update 2 - Good Luck for the Bride???

The title and theme for today’s post can be attributed to the odd wanderings my brain takes when I’m on a run. My head becomes completely clear, clear enough that there isn’t a filter to tell me if things are making sense or not. With that in mind, I came to the thought that the common advice for a bride on her wedding day was a good outline for the things I wanted to talk about in my next post.

“Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue.”

I don’t know who’s getting married and I sure as heck am not the bride, but here goes for the post –

Something old – I was looking at my old binder containing my old fashioned “pencil & paper” running log from when I was training for the 2006 Des Moines Marathon. On September 2nd of that year, I ran 3 miles with a total time of 21:09, a 7:03 pace per mile. I looked at that and thought, “Sweet. That’s awesome. If I WAS that fast at one point, I have a good shot of running a 5K under 20:00.” While I saw optimism in looking back at my old “fastness”, I told my wife about my old times and she was bluntly realistic. “Honey, that’s just depressing. You’re five, almost six years older. Of course you were faster then.” Damn. Very true. I still keep focusing on the positive fact though that if I was faster then, I can be faster again.

Something new – Speaking of times, today I set my 2012 personal best for a 2 mile run. I’ve been getting closer and closer to breaking the 16 minute mark and finally did so today with a new record time of 15:54. The 2 mile route I took today was hilly at the start too, so that made me feel even better. I feel like I can still progress by leaps and bounds, but looking back to just two months ago I already have. In December, I was at the 17 minute mark for 2 mile runs. It would be great to continue to increase my pace by a minute over two miles every month from here on, but I doubt that will happen.

Something borrowed – Alright, I really have nothing here. Well except maybe that I went for my run on borrowed time today. My wife (a chemistry graduate student) had to go downtown to the lab to do some work and I had to take her, as the normally sparse Sunday afternoon parking situation would be made even worse with a Big Ten basketball game going on. Saying I was on borrowed time is a stretch though too to be honest as I had plenty of time to take my run, stretch, and shower before we had to go.

Something blue – Yesterday I finally ponied-up the cash for a new pair of running shoes. I had still been running in my Asics Gel Kayano shoes that I wore when I did the Madison Marathon in 2009! Not that I’ve done much running consistently since then, but I just shake my head in amazement that I had been running in shoes that not only were three years old, but that were approaching 1000 miles of use.

My new shoes that I picked up yesterday at Fleet Feet Madison are Mizuno Wave Nirvanas. They have stability and over-pronation control like the Asics but do so with much less weight. The Asics were much more cushioned, but almost too much so and with too much of cost in weight. Maybe I like that cushion when I was going long distances for marathon training, but for shorter speedier distance that I’m doing now, I wanted to feel the road more beneath my feet.

I’ve typically been using SOLE inserts in the past, but was convinced to try Superfeet insoles instead. Again, just like my new Mizunos compared to my Asics, the Superfeet insoles were much less bulky than the SOLEs. I’m using the green Superfeet which have a deeper heel cup and more supportive arch. I don’t have a high arch necessarily, but I find the insoles that have moderate support for the arch and metatarsals are best for me. I recently purchased some Teva hiking/walking shoes and my feet had been hurting from even light use because of not having enough support.

Oh! The blue part! The Mizuno Wave Nirvanas are blue!

Well there you have it, the old adage complete. Hopefully that gives this bri… er… runner some good luck. The shoes at least seemed to do the trick today!

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

20 Before 30: Update 1 - Shut Out

On Sunday, I felt rested and fresh enough to try hitting the track for a handful of paced 400s. There’s a high school just around the block so I did a little jog over there to use the track. I get a nice warm up run in, get all psyched up to do some hard running… and find the track gated up and locked. Disappointment. I’m not this hardcore so I just ended up doing a hard fast 2 mile run. Sure, it was still a run but I would have much rather done a speed workout doing laps on the track. Looking forward, I don’t know where I’m going to run now for speed work. I might just have to do it old school, and by that I mean like back in high school and laps on a nice flat city block. (I went to such a small school we didn’t have a track.) Perhaps I shouldn’t really be too concerned yet about doing speed work until I increase my mileage. As I’ve at most done 3 miles since starting up running again in November, I guess I shouldn’t worry myself about it again for a few weeks.

I can at least take solace in the fact that in the last two months my times for my 2 mile runs have gone significantly down. Times were just above the 17 minute mark, but now they are typically between 16 and 16:30. I don’t think I’m really doing anything to bring the times down, besides just simply running more. With that said, I think I can do better in that aspect as well. I’ve only been running three times a week now, but decided that I should be probably running four. Not only will I feel more “dedicated” that way, but also the weekly training plan will work out better that way. I can have a long run, a speed work day, and then two middle distance days. Well, that’s the plan for now anyway. My current at best 8 minute per mile pace is still a long way from 6:26…