Friday, June 16, 2006


After much deliberation I got a name for my blog and here I am! Look for lots of updates this summer because life is pretty dull working 40 hours a week and living the summer on campus.

I just got back from an easy run tonight, I've been pretty zapped from my recent 14-day long work streak. Finally that ends tomorrow and I'll have Sunday off, so a long run is in store for then. Anyway, tonight I just kept it easy and did a 1/2 mile warm-up, a timed mile on the track, and then a 1/2 mile cool-down. I normally would have done more, but I wanted to time a 'race pace' mile on the track so I could figure out a good training schedule for the Nordic Fest 15K at the end of July. My mile wasn't horrible, 6.37, but I think I could've gone way faster if I was actually running against someone. To set up my schedule I think I'm going to use a 6.30 pace, maybe being more accurate to 'race pace.'

For those of you who don't know, I'm currently without my bike and have been for a little over a month now. I got a crack in the frame on one of the chainstays. So the frame got sent back to the company for replacement. I did get a confirmation this week from my bike shop that the frame is in fact going to be replaced, and the 'limited' in 'lifetime limited warranty' isn't going to bite me in the ass. However, its going to be replaced with the a model from the current year, which is blue and not my beloved white. I guess I should just be thankful that I'm getting it replaced.

Sniff...sniff...I'll miss you white frame! :(

More later!

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