Friday, March 23, 2012


Overnight and this morning, it rained a total of half an inch. That doesn’t sound like much but at some points though, especially early this morning, the rain came down hard and fast. Because of all that rain, the worms had all evacuated from the ground and were beached on the streets and bike paths. If you don’t look closely, it just looks like a bunch of small twigs on the ground, but nope it’s just a huge host of worms. If it wasn’t for the wet trees and ground, you could’ve thought that it rained worms instead of drops of water. There was no way to bike to work this morning without creating worm road kill. I felt bad – even imagining little screams coming from the invertebrates at one point – but there was nothing I could do. The real bad part was the worm bits and guts that were covering my wheels, bike frame, and, most gross, bare lower legs. Oh yeah, I definitely took a shower when I got to work this morning.

By the way, I made myself feel a little bit better about running over all of those worms by realizing I was just giving many a robin or other bird a very easy breakfast.

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