Wednesday, April 18, 2012


For future reference, do not do your first ab workout in awhile the day before you do the first hill repeat workout you’ve done in awhile. Monday wasn’t a scheduled workout day, but as I didn’t bike commute to work I was feeling really antsy. To burn off some energy, I did an ab workout. Last night, I did my first hill repeat workout of my training schedule. Both of the workouts went fine but my body is in pain today. My legs don’t hurt too bad I guess, but mostly just feel weak and tight. My abs though are killing me. It hurts to laugh, sneeze, and cough, but they also hurt if I even bend the wrong way when sitting down. On the bright side, my arms feel great today! That makes me wonder though. Should I just simply rest up until my legs and abs feel better or should I just do like 40 pull ups tonight so my arms hurt, putting my entire body on an even keel? The latter would make things more even…

Looking ahead, I have a 6 mile run on Saturday. I better just rest up. That 6 miler is the longest I’ve run in years, so I might need fresh arms to keep me moving forward. Yes, crawling would be much easier with fresh arms.

1 comment:

Luke said...

I say go for the pull-ups and be dead. I added regular lifting to my routine last spring, and tapered off closer to the marathon, but have gotten back at it a little more committed now. Would love to hear what your ab workout was.
