Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Sore Today, In Pain Tomorrow?

With my current running schedule, Monday’s and Friday’s are rest days.  On these two days, it always leaves me feeling pent up with energy, because my body isn’t going out for a run as it does the majority of days of the week.  Yesterday I had enough and although I still gave my legs a rest, I gave my core and arms a good onceover.

First I did my usual ab workout (that is when I actually do one), that I picked up from Runner’s World a few years ago.  The routine is apparently based off one done by Iowa-raised Lola Jones, but I’m not so sure that she wasn’t just used for eye candy.  Well in any case, that worked on someone and if I have a stronger core because of it than no harm no foul really.  

You can see the different exercises from the link.  They’re alone enough to make you tired, but I also usually add side crunches as well as half jackknife crunches.  I couldn’t find a good link for half jackknifes but it’s similar to these full jackknife crunches but I bring my knees into my chest when I do the upward crunch.  

That’s usually where I end things, but yesterday I decided to add some arm work in the mix too.  I found this upper body strength workout online on Runner’s World and, as I don’t have a stretchy resistance band, just did the push-ups and chair dips.  I was already in a weakened state by this point, but still managed to do 15 push-ups – not that I could have probably done many more in a fresh state.  The triceps chair dips finished me off though.  I guess I mistakenly did the straight leg version that Runner’s World shows second in the video, which apparently makes it harder.  Well luckily I have that going for me, as I was only able to do 5 reps.  I pushed to get to 5 as well, making my triceps have a deep muscle burn for minutes afterward.  

After doing all the aforementioned workout, my whole body was weak and I could tell I was going to be sore.  It wasn’t bad last night (it never is that soon after a workout) but this morning I was sore.  To get up out of bed I couldn’t just sit up.  My abs just were too tired and sore.  I had to do bend one of my legs to my chest, then grabbing it to bring my upper body up, and then sort of rocking forward into a sitting position.  Even sitting here in the desk chair typing, if I turn the wrong way my side abs (or obliques?) twinge.  

I could be worse off though.  Like I said it’s just my stomach that’s sore and if anything my arms are just a bit stiff.  Both are noticeable enough though that my 3 mile run today was a tad bit slower.  Tomorrow though could be a different story.  They always say that two days after a workout is the worst.  You’ll be sore the day after, but in pain (the good kind though, right?) two days after.  Well, I’ll see tomorrow I guess, especially for my run which is again 3 miles.  One thing is for sure though.  Friday is going to be a full on – no running, no ab workout, no arm workout, no anything – rest day.

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